Is Lithuania is safe place to visit?
Yes, it is safe. First, Lithuania is a civilized Western European state, relatively crime-free, which gives a lot of attention to the safety of tourists. Secondly, you will be with us, under our trusteeship. All travel in Lithuania (including individual, group and family travels) will occur in a car with your own driver and interpreter-guide. All this in aggregate creates a high guarantee of safety during your stay in Lithuania. You are our welcome visitor and we shall graciously accept you as is the courteous custom of Russian hospitality!
I'd like more information about Lithuania.
Lithuania is a small European state, bordered by Poland, Russia's Kaliningrad, Latvia and Byelorussia. Until 1991 Lithuania was a republic of the USSR. Since 1991, Lithuania has been an independent state with its own parliament and President. President Valdas Adamkus was an American citizen deeply involved in ecological programs in the United States. President Adamkus left America to assume the presidency of Lithuania in 1997. Population - about three million. Official language - Lithuanian. Because the population of Lithuania is about 20% Russian, and due to Lithuania at one time being a Soviet republic, the Russian language is widely spoken by most Lithuanians who live in the larger cities. Prevailing religion - Catholic, followed by Russian Orthodox. Lithuania is well known for nice roads, the wonderful quality and large variety of tasty food as well as her extremely friendly people. As a result Lithuania is very popular for individual, group and family travels.
More details about Vilnius.
The capital of Lithuania - Vilnius (population about 600 thousand) is one of most beautiful cities in Europe. A portion of the old part of Vilnius is officially part of the Vatican. Many tourists from all over visit Vilnius. Vilnius is well known for its unique churches medieval old part and nice restaurants.
Is Lithuania an expensive place to travel?
Lithuania is a rather inexpensive place to travel. An example of some prices: a pack of cigarettes such as "Winston", "Camel" - $1 U.S., 1 liter of beer - $1, 1 liter of milk - $.25 - $.50, 1 pound of quality meat - $1 to $3, 1 pound of apples - $.25, 1 liter of gas - usually the same as in the United States, and travel by public transport - $.15.
Tell in detail about Elektrenai town.
Elektrenai is a small town (population about 22 thousand) located half-way between Vilnius and Kaunas, which is the second-largest city of Lithuania. Kaunas was the capital of Lithuania when Vilinius was still part of Poland. It takes 30 minutes to get from Vilnius to Elektrenai. The name was derived 40 years ago, because of construction of a large power station (non nuclear!). Elektrenai is well known as the capital of Lithuanian ice hockey, and is the home of the largest ice hockey arena in Lithuania. Several NHL players grew up playing hockey in Elektrenai, such as Darius Kasparaitis and Damian Zubrius. Elektrenai is situated on the shore of a lovely 36 square mile lake. There are pleasant and clean forests around Elektrenai.
Where will I live in Lithuania?
![Elekternai Town](homes.jpg)
We place at your disposal 1 to 3 room apartments in Elektrenai. These are typical furnished apartments (kitchen, bath, bedroom and balcony), located in 5-9 story apartment buildings. If you prefer to stay in a hotel in Vilnius - we will help you to find the best hotel, however we have found that previous American and Western European visitors have been happy living in Elektrenai so that they can be close to us.
Will I have car in Lithuania?
Yes. We will inexpensively provide you with a car and friendly driver, at a rate that is much cheaper than if you tried to rent a car which you drive yourself. You will have the opportunity to go to any place in Lithuania at any time. With your sober driver, you can enjoy as much of our famous Lithuanian spirits as you like without the dangers usually associated with drinking and driving.
Can I find traditional Lithuanian foods to purchase?
Yes, you can. There are a lot of modern shops in Lithuania, where you can buy foodstuffs and all the local and famous worldwide brands of drinks. Moreover all these products are very inexpensive compared with other countries. As an example groceries and beer are usually one third or less of the price of similar products in the United States.
What is the national currency of Lithuania and where may I exchange money?
The currency of Lithuania is called "lit." A stable parity has existed for more than five years, in which $1 = 4 lits. You can change currency during your individual or family travel in any bank or in one of the many exchange office. There are also ATM's available in many locations. American Express travelers' checks may be exchanged in any bank.
Is there a minimum or maximum amount of time I may visit?
Plan on staying a minimum of 2 days and as long as you like, according to your desire. Experience has shown that an optimum stay is 5 to 7 days. For this time it is possible to get acquainted with Lithuania, to try shashleek and other Lithuanian delicacies, not to mention meeting nice Russian people!
How will I participate in the preparation for the evening in the Shashleek Forest?
You may join us, if you like, earlier in the day to help purchase the meat in our bazaar and then help us in the gathering of wood and making our fire, and finish by assisting in cooking the meat. Or, if you like, we will do all the work for you, leaving you free to interact with other people of our company.
Is there a vegetarian option?
We have many delicious vegetarian dishes that can be prepared for you on request. If you require a special diet for medical reasons, such as salt-free, etc, please inform us of such, we are more than happy to accommodate your special needs.
What are the unique Lithuanian beverages you mention?
There is a unique Lithuanian drinks, called Suktinis, which is a 75 to 100 proof honey meade liquor with a wonderful smooth taste. The main distinctive feature of Suktinis is a perfect state of health the next day even after their excessive use. Our guests are always amazed at the absence of the "morning after" hangover. If you prefer wine or beer, these are readily available. Lithuania is famous for many delicious local beers.
What is the best time of year for my Lithuanian adventure?
All seasons are nice! Of course if you do not like cold and windy weather come to us in late spring, summer, or early fall. However even in the winter the climate of Lithuania seldom falls below than freezing. The most cold month in Lithuania is January, but we shall warm you by our hospitality even in the most severe weather. Transportation on our main Vilnius, Elektrenai, Kaunas highway is not threatened by inclement weather because the road itself is heated.
Do you have referrals from prior guests?
Yes, certainly. We have had many visitors from the USA, Austria, Denmark, England, France, Holland, Sweden and other countries already. You can read their responses. So we have good experience to arrange individual, group and family travels.
Waht do you charge for your services?
Each visit is custom tailored to you desires. Therefore we will give you a quote based on your needs. Dependant upon your wishes and opportunities the price of your stay and our services will be determined. But in any case it will be much cheaper, than other tourist companies and will include a very personalized level of attention to your every need.